domingo, 7 de julho de 2013

He and I

SKIN - *BIRTH* Reese Skin (raventone) - Skunk
FACE TATTOO <>Face Tattoo :: Helios :
PIERCINGS - [MANDALA]OKAKI face peiarcing set
OUTFIT -  LostGem Mesh - ::::AnubisOutfit:::: [ ~ n e e w w ~ ]
BEARD1 .:EMO-tions:. *no mercy ! beard #
BEARD 2  Unorthodox Full beard (Facia Hair)

SKIN - Glam Affair - Cleo - America - 10
LIPS - .Pekka. KERE Lipline - Black
PIERCING - .Pekka. Zassy Piercing GOLD
OUTFIT - LostGem Mesh - :::AndromedaOutfit:::::: [ ~ n e e w w ~ ]

quarta-feira, 26 de junho de 2013

Can I help you ?

News for my sexy girls s2

SHAPE - ::[annaA]:: Body Shape " Manu " 
SKIN - :[ Al Vulo! ] - [ Ylenia ] - [ Provocateur Bisquit][TDR ]
HAIR - [taketomi]_Yume_Dessin 
OUTFIT - Luas Gorean & Fantasy -  JULIETTE BROWN [ ~ n e e w w ~ ]

sexta-feira, 21 de junho de 2013

Great outfit excellent Knight .... Us Peace but not fled the war

† Outfit † > :::Sebastien Armor:::
† Skin † > *BIRTH* Li Skin (darkone)
† Eyes † >Living Dead v2 Eyes
† Hair † >  **Dura-Boy**17 (Dark Brown)
† Face  Tattoo † > Face Tattoo :: Weova ::
† Ears † > AITUI - (Type 1) Stretched Ears
† Weapons [Sword] † > [EZ] Decimus Gladius
† Weapons [Shield] † > [EZ] Instigator Shield

I can be a lady, but I know how to fight

News of LostGem Mesh !!

SHAPE - ::[annaA]:: Body Shape " Manu "
SKIN - Essences - Whisper *Brown Sugar* [TDR]
HAIR - [LeLutka]-LILLIAN hair/Dark Brunette
EARRINGS - *League* Vintage Jewellery Set 
NECKLACE - *League* Vintage Jewellery Set 
DRESS - LostGem Mesh -  ::: Camelia Outfit ::: [ ~ n e e w w ~ ]

SHAPE - ::[annaA]:: Body Shape " Manu "
SKIN - Essences - Whisper *Brown Sugar* [TDR]
BASE HAIR - 99Hair -Shaved Tattoo HAIRBASE -browns 1
SWORD - LR - Breath of the North 
EYES MAKEUP - -SU!- Add On Your Face Tattoo 04
OUTFIT - LostGem Mesh - :::EclypseOutfit::: [ ~ n e e w w ~ ]

quinta-feira, 20 de junho de 2013

We are here to fight too !!

SHAPE - ::[annaA]:: Body Shape " Honey V 2.0 " 
SKIN - Essences Opera *sunkissed*
HAIR - >TRUTH< Portia -  fades
PIERCING - Cobrahive - N-Horn
BLIND - *~*Silk Blindfold: Female/Copy
BRACELET - *BLITZED* Legacy Cuffs - black - ( boxed )
OUTFIT - Whitewolf Hoard -  Calisto

SHAPE - ::[annaA]:: Body Shape " Amaunet " 
SKIN - [PF] Kumi <Hazel> - Pure
HAIR - >TRUTH< January - frappuccino
OUTFIT - -=WhiteWolf Hoard =- Kyra 

Yo Ho Ho And a Bottle Of Rum

And now a new store,  Lost Gem Mesh is the name !!
You find mesh items very well made and stylish.
I'm using one that made ​​me feel like a pirate !!
And like a true pirate says : Yo Ho Ho And a Bottle Of Rum !!

SHAPE - ::[annaA]:: Body Shape " Honey V 2.0 " 
SKIN - Essences Opera *sunkissed*
HAIR - *booN YNO421 hair black
TATTO - - BlackFeet - Maori
PIERCING - Cobrahive - N-Horn [ marketplace only]
EYE PATCH - SiniStyle Eye Patch
OUTFIT - LostGem Mesh -  HermosaSamantha

the body of a man is his armor greater

† Outfit † [1] > Bloodlust Gladiator

† Outfit † > Bloodlust Gladiator
† Skins † >TZ Designs Karlo Athletic Mesh
† Shape † >TZ Designs Karlo Athletic Mesh
† Beard (1)† >Unorthodox Full beard (Facia Hair)
† Weapons † >  Bloodlust Gladiator

† Outfit † [2] > **[RD]  Conquer**

† Outfit † > **[RD]  Conquer **
† Weapons † >  Primus Conquer Dual Swords

Roaaaaaarrrrrrrrrr!!!! I'm Orc!!

† Outfit † > PFC~Iron Arms
† Belt † >Haud Deus - Belt
† Skins † >PFC~He Orc
† Shape † >PFC~He Orc
† Hair † >>**Dura-Boy**18
† Rips † ><R> Eye Rips
† Eyes † > REPULSE - Rigor Mortis Eyes
† Weapons (Axe)† >PFC~Edge of Despair
† Weapons (Bow)† >Primus Pretoria Bow 

quarta-feira, 19 de junho de 2013

A feminine touch

Hello ladys, come today in my first post 
 I will bring some female news for this gor world  
First this mamba look, that make me fell so damn hot !! LOL
The store is Pucca Firecaster, there you will find many beautiful things and very well made. Do not miss and run there !!

SHAPE - ::[annaA]:: Body Shape " Fatima " [ ~ n e e w w ~ ]
SKIN - :GP: Acorn [Dark] Pout
HAIR - *booN NYN116 hair chocolate
EARS - ...::: Scrub :::... To look for a house 
PIERCING - <-Puncture-> Eye Piercing (Studs) - Basics   +  AVZ ~ Skull Nose Piercing Set ~
TONGUE - Cobrahive - Tongue - TYPE 03 [ marketplace only]
OUTFIT - PFC~Mamba Jaw

neither the scorching heat can take my will to live on these lands

† Outfit † >Cossack II - Hussarian Cossack in Black Pinstripe
† Hat † >Polish Hussar's Day Hat
† Beard (1)† >Unorthodox Full beard (Facia Hair)
† Beard (2)† >.:EMO-tions:. *no mercy ! beard #
† Skin† >*BIRTH* Reese Skin (darktone) - Skunk>>
† Eyes † >REPULSE - Rigor Mortis Eyes
† Weapons (Sword) † >[EZ] Moonfall Blade

Until look for my house I keep my fight and looking for a place where I can rest my soul

† Outfit † >Zed Sensations*.Nomads Outfit
† Skin † >*BIRTH* Reese Skin (darktone) - Skunk
† Beard (1) † >Unorthodox Full beard (Facia Hair)
† Beard (2) † > .:EMO-tions:. *no mercy ! beard #
† Weapons (Sword) † > [EZ] Moonfall Blade
† Weapons (Shield) † >  PFC~Serpent Shield

That along with my fury, may arise a spirit warrior and a cry of hatred "Roaaarrr!

ֆ Outfit ֆ > PFC~Barbarian
ֆ Weapons (Axe) ֆ >PFC~Edge of Despair
ֆ Weapon (Shiled) ֆ > PFC~Serpent Shield
ֆ Skin ֆ > *BIRTH* Thor Skin (darktone) - Maori
ֆ Hair ֆ > /Wasabi Pills/ Dragon Mesh Hair - MALE - Browns
ֆ Beard (1) ֆ > Unorthodox Full beard (Facia Hair)
ֆ Beard (2) ֆ > .:EMO-tions:. *no mercy ! beard #
ֆ Beard (2) ֆ > Mine

terça-feira, 18 de junho de 2013

† Outfit † > -=WH=- Soren V2
† face tatto † >Face Tattoo :: Nahel ::
† Skin † >>*BIRTH* Thor Skin (darktone) - Maori
† Hair † >/Wasabi Pills/ Dragon Mesh Hair - MALE - Browns
† Hair (2) † >*SH* Saku Hair
† Eyes † >REPULSE - Rigor Mortis Eyes
† Weapons (Axe) † >[EZ] Axe of Retribution
† Shape † > Mine

† Outfit † >  -=Wh=- Orian
† face tatto † >Face Tattoo :: Nahel ::
† Skin † >>*BIRTH* Thor Skin (darktone) - Maori
† Hair † >/Wasabi Pills/ Dragon Mesh Hair - MALE - Browns
† Eyes † >REPULSE - Rigor Mortis Eyes
† Weapons (Axe) † >[EZ] Axe of Retribution
† Shape † > Mine

Give me a minute I am good. Give me an hour and I'm great. Give me six months and I am invincible.

† Outfit †

† Skin † > BIRTH* Reese Skin (darktone) - Skunk
† Outfit † > :::XavierArmorOutfit:::
† Eyes † > REPULSE - Rigor Mortis Eyes
† Swords † > [EZ] Gladius of Mortus
† Shiled † > [EZ] Mortus Shield (Sheath)

Killing you? No, it will not bring me any satisfaction ... But all roll up there, but it will give much satisfaction.


† Outfit †

† Skin † > BIRTH* Reese Skin (darktone) - Skunk
† Outfit † > :::Assassin P::: Revised editon
† Eyes † > REPULSE - Rigor Mortis Eyes
† Crossbow † > Primus Alaric Crossbow

Crom, Open your gates! Today we party!

† Outfit (1) †

† Shape + Skin † > TZ Designs Ektor Athletic Mesh
† Eyes † > REPULSE - Rigor Mortis Eyes
† Outfit † > **[RD] Viking Brute (Full Outfit) **
† Helmet † > Cap wolf barbarian
† Shiled † > [EZ] Instigator Shield
† Swords † > [EZ] Instigator Sword

† Outfit (2) †

† Outfit + Sword† > Lionheart Gladiator
† Shape + Skin † > TZ Designs Ektor Athletic Mesh 
† Eyes † > REPULSE - Rigor Mortis Eyes

† Outfit (3) †

† Helmet † > Gladiator helmet murmillo
† Outfit † > Gladiator armor set
† Shape + Skin † > TZ Designs Ektor Athletic Mesh